Friday, October 29, 2010

New Compositions

Working on several projects.  First of all, working on a head study in oils!  Im having alot of fun with it.  Im also working on some new compositions on some ideas that I have for some paintings that I want to do.  I want to start playing with circles and more movements in my paintings so we shall see! 

I will be heading down to Center City Galleries to pick up my painting :(.  The show is over, but it was a wonderful experience.  Saturday I will be at the galleries in Paterson, from 11-1 teaching.  Anyone interested can just show up and join in.  I expect to spend more time there working on my own work, larger pieces Im thinkin of realizing.  Lots and lots of things going on , Im excited!

Friday, October 15, 2010

New piece/ Busy

    Wow, been so busy multitasking. I like to take some time and study my favorite artist when going into a new painting for inspiration.  I love looking at the works of Bougearou, Mucha, Waterhouse, and Frida. Then I like to start looking at color palettes, textures, just to change it up a bit.  I start thinking about textures and what story do I want to tell with this painting.

    Working on some sketches for a new painting.    I want to start playing with textures more in the background, maybe do some mixed media.  We shall see.  I have a model coming next week so Im really excited.  Besides that working on another drawing should be posting it up soon.