Thursday, December 8, 2011

Transition period

Hi everyone, 

I have been reflecting on my life and all the changes this year.  I'm currently going thru a transitional period. I moved twice this year and the last move will be in six months.  God has me in training mode.  Praying everyday for direction and moving along as I pray for God to continue to open doors and inspire me to do great things. 

Recap of this year that is about to end.  Started out the year moving after my gallery show at Center City Gallery.  Finished some commission work, and taking on some more.  Got to travel to Ohio for an all Women Exhibition.  Traveled to California and fell madly in love with it and met so many beautiful people, that are now like family to me.  Went to Washington, DC, and  Atlanta for business.   Currently working on going to Rome if God permits. I plan to travel even more in 2012  Well, God willing that is.

There is much  for me to do and finish.  I have 2 pieces of artwork that are not finished and my website will be completely revamped.  I will be moving to California in six months and it will be huge change for me and my kids.  Yes, I have two teenagers going to college at the same time.  They will both be going to college in California.  Very big transition but we are all looking forward to it.   I have little time to get things in order here in New Jersey. Whew!

At this time I have been teaching art classes Monday - Saturday.  In between that trying to manage a business and my own art career.  Wow, its been a fun, challenging, and crazy year.  I am working on an exhibition for May, 2012 at CCG.  Currently applying for International exhibitions.   I'm praying for God to continue to open doors in my life.  He has been so good to me! 

The coming year will be a great year.  Full of lots of new works, lots of traveling which I will blog about, and new experiences in the art world. 

Hope you join me on my journey.

God Bless,

Margie :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Pics of My Work :)

Yesterday I spent the day taking pictures of my newest pieces.  Not an easy task!  It was rather frustrating actually lol, but I did it!!!  I took pictures of some pieces and Im posting them up.  The last ones were from my phone.  I know they were bad, but I had a show and did not have a chance to take pictures of them.  Im still working on my current piece and will be posting some pictures of the progress later this week.  Hope everyone is staying inspired and productive!!! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Painting Progression

Ok, peak at whats going on so far with this piece.  Its evolving LOL.  I have changed the background, its coming more alive than I thought I would originally have it, but its going in its own direction.  The background still has alot to go but here is a sneak peak at whats going on so far.  :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Current Piece

Ok, Im terrible at keeping on my blog,  juggling painting and everyday mundain things has been, well...... difficult.  But, just want to keep on top of things and give you insight on the new things I've been doing and working on. 

I started this painting about 3 weeks ago, and im stepping out of the box so to speak and bringing in more symbolism and trying new things.  Its scary!!!!  But fun!!!  This piece is about messages in our everyday life that help us find ourselves and what were meant to do. Of course I used an angel as the deliverer but regardless, there are little things that lead you a little bit at a time revealing more and more of your destiny to you. 

It still has alot more to go but I have been working on it daily and will show you the progression as I go along. As for the background I still want to fade the angel a little more, and mute the colors in the background.  I feel that they are too ardent and over power the figure in the foreground.  But, we shall see how this painting goes, and what changes I will make.   :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Exhibition in Kirtland, Ohio

My painting "Katia" is in the exhibition "WOMAN IV: Celebrating Women's History Month in Kirtland, Ohio. It will be at the  The Gallery at Lakeland March, 7 - April, 2