Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Current Piece

Ok, Im terrible at keeping on my blog,  juggling painting and everyday mundain things has been, well...... difficult.  But, just want to keep on top of things and give you insight on the new things I've been doing and working on. 

I started this painting about 3 weeks ago, and im stepping out of the box so to speak and bringing in more symbolism and trying new things.  Its scary!!!!  But fun!!!  This piece is about messages in our everyday life that help us find ourselves and what were meant to do. Of course I used an angel as the deliverer but regardless, there are little things that lead you a little bit at a time revealing more and more of your destiny to you. 

It still has alot more to go but I have been working on it daily and will show you the progression as I go along. As for the background I still want to fade the angel a little more, and mute the colors in the background.  I feel that they are too ardent and over power the figure in the foreground.  But, we shall see how this painting goes, and what changes I will make.   :)


  1. Looks like it's coming along very well... good luck with the piece and congrats on your show in Ohio!
